
Clubs/Organizations and Departments

Charge Types Student Organizations Departments
Equipment No Charge No Charge
NO SHOW $50.00 $50.00
Policy Violation $50.00 $50.00
Room Charge No Charge No Charge
Same Day/Late Cancellation $50.00  $50.00

External Usage Rates

Room 4 Hour Room Charge ( 4 hour min ) Hourly Rates
UU311 $475.00 $119.00
Game Room  $1200.00 $300.00
The Gallery $250.00 $62.00
Bayview $400.00 $100.00
Multipurpose Room A (MPR A) $550.00 $138.00
Multipurpose Room B (MPR B) $600.00 $150.00
Multipurpose Room (MPR AB) $1200.00 $300.00
Outdoor Stage & Roll-Up Door (MPR A or B) $62.00
Outdoor Stage & Roll-Up Door (MPR AB) $250.00
Chairs $5.00
Rectangle Tables $12.00
Round Tables $15.00
Podium $5.00
White Board w/Markers $22.00
LCD Projector w/Screen $45.00
Laptop $30.00
PA System w/1 mic $45.00
Additional Mic $5.00
Stage Unit (4 pieces available ( 6' x 8' units ) $21.00
Administrative Fee 5% of total reservation cost
Event Monitor (student Assistant) $18.00
Event Monitor (Staff Member) $32.00
No Call, No Show $100.00
Policy Violation $100.00
Late Cancellation $50.00