- Teacher Education
- Department Information
- Programs & Admissions
- Student Resources
- Program Handbook Multiple and Single Subject
- /ted/student-handbook/smc-evaluation-1.png
- /ted/student-handbook/smc-eval-2.png
- /ted/student-handbook/smc-eval-3.png
- Improvement Plan
- Overview & Welcome
- Projected Expenses
- Department Organization & Contact Information
- Coursework
- Subject Matter Competency (SMC) Information
- Fieldwork Overview
- Fieldwork Policies
- Strike Situation Policies
- Candidate Monitoring, Supporting & Assessing
- Student Teaching
- Internships
- Time2Track
- edTPA
- Individualized Development Plan
- University Policies
- Preliminary Credential Recommendation Process
- Master’s of Science in Education Programs
Subject Matter Competency Information
California Education Code requires that all candidates for a teaching credential demonstrate they are proficient in the subject matter area of their intended credential (meet the SMC requirement) to be intern-eligible and/or be given daily whole-class instructional responsibilities in a TK-12 school.
Subject Matter Competency (SMC) for Multiple and Single Subject Summer 2025 applicants needs to be submitted by April 1, 2025 to be considered for admission.
Subject Matter Competency (SMC) can be met by one of the following options:- California Subject Examinations for Teachers ()
- () approved Subject Matter Program
- Meet SMC by Academic Degree Major (Bachelor's Degree or higher). See below.
- Demonstrate Subject Matter Competency (SMC) through coursework or a combination of coursework and exams (CSET)-See See below
See the following link from the website for options to meet (SMC).
Meeting Subject Matter Competency requirement by Degree Major
To meet subject matter by degree major, the degree major must be aligned with one of the acceptable majors for the Multiple Subject or Single Subject Credential.
Please see (and Education Specialist) and See
The degree major listed on your transcript must correspond to the authorization listed on a Single Subject credential. The current statutory language does not provide flexibility in the acceptance of closely related terms/subjects. If you have a degree major listed on your transcript in the exact subject of the credential you are seeking, you need to upload your unofficial transcript to your Department Application showing your degree major and conferral date.
To verify you have met Subject Matter Competency by your degree major you can (not required) send an email to credentials@csueastbay.edu with a PDF attachment of your unofficial degree bearing transcripts and write SMC degree major request in the subject line. Please include your name, the program, and subject you are applying to.
If the degree major listed on your transcript IS NOT an exact match to the credential you are pursuing but in a similar major or subject (e.g. Kinesiology for Physical Education, History for Social Science, Performance for Music) you can request an SMC evaluation of coursework to determine if you have met Subject Matter Competency (SMC) by coursework or coursework and exams (CSETs). See the Instructions below. You should review for a Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist Credential if your major is not listed or approved.
See the link for Test Preparation Resources
SMC Coursework Evaluation Request Information
Summer 2025 Prospective Students who have a Department Application in progress/submitted may submit a Subject Matter Competency Coursework Evaluation Request December 1, 2024-Extended to March 20, 2025. Your transcripts will not be automatically evaluated without a request. You need to submit an SMC Evaluation Request following the instructions below.
Evaluation results may take 6-8 weeks not counting breaks and holidays. It is highly recommended to register and take s if your degree major is not an exact match to the credential you are seeking, because not all evaluations are approved.
If your coursework is not approved for SMC, you will have to take CSET exams. It is recommended to prepare to take exams because not all evaluations are fully approved. Please see . You will need to take the CSETs by 2/9 or 3/9 to have results before April 1.
To Submit Your SMC Coursework Evaluation Request
- You need to view the SMC Evaluation Request form from the list below for the subject/credential you are seeking. Complete the form with the coursework information that meets the listed Domains.
- The coursework listed on the SMC Evaluation Request form must be aligned with each of the domains listed in the for your subject.
- Ccourses listed on the form must meet the following requirements:
- Earn a grade of "C" or better
- Have been taken at a regionally accredited college or university
- Been taken for academic credit (earned units)
- Be degree applicable AA or higher-upper or lower division is ok
- May mix and match CSET with courses taken at multiple Institutions.
- Does not have to be applied to a degree
- You need to provide copies of all your transcripts (unofficial are acceptable). Save and Name your transcripts with last name, first name, and school name. i.e. Smith, Jan, CSU East Bay
- Provide copies of course descriptions or syllabi to provide the evaluator with more information.
- Pay $25 and include receipt with your emailed request.
- Only the SMC Request form should be a link with Share access>>"Anyone with the Link." IN ADDITION, you can save it as a PDF and send with other attachments.
- Be sure all documents are titled and are in PDF format with no passcodes, or permission requirements to open.
- Email your SMC Course Request link to the google form and with the required documents listed. Send email to smc@csueastbay.edu
- The Subject Line of the email should be “SMC Evaluation Request-Subject-Last Name”
For the Google form links below, they are VIEW only. Open link click Make a Copy and rename Document>>add your first and last name to the title of the form. Go to SHARE>>with a General Access share permission to share "Anyone with the link." You will copy and paste/share the link in the evaluation request email.
Send the completed SMC EVALUATION REQUEST FORM link according to instructions above.
Please see the link for more information-
Multiple and Single Subject and Education Specialist 2025 Applicants or enrolled students may submit an SMC Coursework Evaluation Request with the required documents Dec 1-March 1. Incomplete forms will be delayed and may be returned for resubmission. Requests submitted after the March 1, 2025 date will not be reviewed.
- SMC Evaluations will start in late January and typically take 6-8 weeks to complete.
- SMC Evaluation requests submitted before 12/1/2024 will be returned for re-submission or deleted.
The deadline to submit the Subject Matter Competency (SMC) Coursework Evaluation Request is extended to MARCH 20, 2025. Evaluation Requests submitted after March 20 will not be reviewed.
Make sure you read the following:
The Department only reviews Subject Matter Competency (SMC) evaluation requests for prospective or enrolled students at CSU East Bay.
The deadline to request an SMC Coursework Evaluation is EXTENDED to March 20, 2025.