- Teacher Education
- Department Information
- Programs & Admissions
- Student Resources
- Program Handbook Multiple and Single Subject
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- Improvement Plan
- Overview & Welcome
- Projected Expenses
- Department Organization & Contact Information
- Coursework
- Subject Matter Competency (SMC) Information
- Fieldwork Overview
- Fieldwork Policies
- Strike Situation Policies
- Candidate Monitoring, Supporting & Assessing
- Student Teaching
- Internships
- Time2Track
- edTPA
- Individualized Development Plan
- University Policies
- Preliminary Credential Recommendation Process
- Master’s of Science in Education Programs
All candidates and interns must register for ALL classes EACH semester listed for your assigned team. Refer to your team’s schedule for more information. All candidates and interns must maintain a cumulative average of 3.0 in required courses to remain in the program. A candidate may never have more than 2 Incompletes (I) or any grades of “D”, “F”, or “No Credit” (NC). Failure to meet this requirement may result in declassification from the program. Candidates must repeat courses lower than C-. For Registration questions email credentials@csueastbay.edu and include your program name and application term in the subject line and, full name, program name, and net id in all correspondence.
Course Listings
PK-3 ECE Specialist Instruction Credential Courses (41 units)
All candidates must complete the following courses:
TED 577 Seminar 1 (1unit)
Candidates will explore restorative practices, learning environments, and their own reflective practice in teaching and facilitating young children’s learning. Candidates will learn best practices in fostering family and community partnerships. Candidates will be introduced to edTPA guidelines.
TED 578: Seminar 2 (2 units)
Exploration of restorative practices, learning environments, best practices in fostering family and community partnerships and reflective practices. Introduction and practice with the edTPA guidelines.
TED 579: Seminar 3 (2 units)
Apply knowledge of planning, instruction, assessment, and reflection to complete and submit the edTPA. Explore ways to nurture a teaching career with colleagues and professionals in the field.
TED 584A: Student Teaching 1 (3 units)
Candidates will be placed with a qualified cooperating teacher/district mentor or be the teacher of record to plan, implement and reflect on lessons based on Foundations, Frameworks and Standards for children in PK-3.
TED 584B: Student Teaching 2 (3 units)
Candidates will be placed with a qualified cooperating teacher/district mentor or be the teacher of record to plan, implement and reflect on lessons based on Foundations, Frameworks and Standards for children in PK-3.
TED 590: Foundations in the Practice of Teaching PK-3 (3 units)
Theory and practical applications of learning principles for children as they pertain to education, including, instruction, planning, and environments. Incorporates developmentally and culturally appropriate practices to effectively engage with all families and communities.
TED 591: Language Development and Pedagogy for PK-3 (3 units)
Early language learning concepts are introduced, including receptive and productive language, modes of communication, proficiency levels, and planning for language objectives in support of content instruction. Deconstruct and plan strategic materials and strategies to promote early language learning for all students.
TED 592: Literacy Development for PK-3 (3 units)
Developmental levels of literacy in PK-3 based on the application of state documents and best practices including methods of instruction and assessment while supporting literacy development beyond the classroom.
TED 593: Language Arts and Social Studies in PK-3 (4 units)
Focus on the development of a comprehensive program in reading, writing, related language instruction, and developmentally appropriate methods of teaching social studies to PK-3 children.
TED 594: Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Teaching Practices for PK-3
Principles of educational diversity, equity, and inclusion in pedagogy, environment and curriculum, and the impact that families, school, and community play in the development of the PK-3 child.
TED 595: Including and Serving Children in PK-3 Environments
Developmentally appropriate practices for PK-3 children including those with disabilities, developmental delays, and those considered “at-risk”. Early intervention, preschool programs, PK-3 classroom instruction and other service delivery approaches are explored.
TED 596: Integrated Science and Inquiry in PK-3
Explore, engage and enact play-center science experiences that reflect developmentally appropriate practices during indoor, outdoor and family environments. Explore role as facilitator for developing children’s autonomy and integrate science across content areas and domains.
TED 597: Mathematics Discovery and Development
Curriculum and instruction for math discovery and development in PK-3. Focus on developmentally appropriate inquiry-based math instruction addressing emergent numeracy, concepts of number and patterns, mathematical vocabulary, measurement, and geometry.
TED 598: Arts, Movement, and Health Practices for the PK-3 (3 units)
Theory, methods, and the continuum of teaching the arts, movement, and health practices in PK-3.
TED 599: Professionalism and Technology in PK-3
Advocacy for PK-3 professionals and exploration of current practices in technology that prepare and promote a developmentally appropriate balance between physical and digital practices and technology’s relationship to early childhood pedagogy.
Roadmap for the PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist Credential (41 Semester Units)
Summer 13 units |
Fall 15 units |
Spring 13 units |
TED 590 Foundations: 3 units (SAT-H) |
TED 593 Language Arts & Social Studies (4 units) (SAT-H) |
TED 596 Integrated Science and Inquiry: 3 units (SAT-H) |
TED 591 Language Development: 3 units (W-O) |
TED 595 Special Ed 3 units) (W-O) |
TED 598 Arts, Movement, and Health Practices: 3 units (SAT-H) |
TED 592 Literacy Development: 3 units (SAT-H) |
TED 597 Mathematics Discovery & Development: 3 units (SAT-H) |
TED 599 Professionalism and Tech in PK-3: 2 units (W-O) |
TED 594 Diversity, Equity, & Inclusive Practices: 3 units (R-O) |
TED 578 Seminar 2: 2 units (R-O) |
TED 579 Seminar 3: 2 units (R-O) |
TED 577Seminar 1 (1 unit) (T-O) |
TED 584A Student Teaching 1: 3 units |
TED 584B Student Teaching 2: 3 Units |
T-O is Tuesday Online W-O is Wednesday Online R-O is Thursday Online SAT-H is Saturday on the Hayward Campus |
Classes will be offered consistently throughout the program on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday beginning at 5:00 (online) and on Saturdays (online) from 9:00-5:00 p.m. During the semesters, students will come to class on selected Saturdays at the Hayward campus. Times are approximations and may change due to the number of units of the required classes offered.
Concurrent Fieldwork and Coursework
During the summer term candidates will be in class three to four days a week. Summer classes are scheduled during the day, except for the first two weeks of summer term, when classes will begin at 4:30 pm. This is for the convenience of candidates who may still be working TK-12 schools. During the remainder of the year the programs follow a structure in which candidates have field work in a classroom five hours a day, four days a week. Candidates take courses in the late afternoon and/or early evening three to four days a week. Candidates take courses in the late afternoon and/or early evening three to four days a week. Therefore, candidates cannot accept employment nor participate in after school programs, such as coaching and intervention.
Candidates in the Single Subject Online Credential (SSOC) Program do not attend classes on campus; classes are electronically taught via Zoom. Classes may be synchronous (attend class in Zoom at a specific time on a specific day with classmates and professor) or asynchronous (attend class at any time on your own). Attendance is required for classes with planned online meeting days and times (see course syllabus).
Academic Accommodations
CSUEB provides academic accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities. Counselors determine accommodations on an individual basis after reviewing current professional documentation and meeting with the individual. The purpose of such accommodations is to provide equal access to classroom programs and campus activities in a manner consistent with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, associated California laws and regulations, and CSU policy. Please contact for more information.