- Risk Management and Internal Control
- Compliance & Internal Control
- Emergency Management
- Environmental Health & Safety
- Asbestos & Lead
- Biological Safety
- Chemical Safety
- Diving & Boating Safety
- Drinking Water
- EHS Forms
- EHS Training
- Environmental Protection
- Fire & Life Safety
- Hazardous Waste
- Industrial Safety
- Injury & Illness Prevention Program
- Laboratory Safety
- Medical Monitoring
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Radiation Safety
- Safety Concern
- Safety Data Sheets
- Safety Tips
- Storm Water Protection
- Traffic & Pedestrian Safety
- Ergonomics
- Field Trips
- Support Services
- Workers' Compensation
- Minors on Campus
- Off Campus Resources
- Whistleblower
Vendors, Independent Contractors and Users of Campus Facilities
Vendors, Independent Contractors and Users of Campus Facilities
Pursuant to ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ Office of the Chancellor Executive Order No. 849 and other legal references, the following insurance will normally apply. Exceptions can only be granted by the campus Risk Manager.
- General Liability - Minimum Limits each occurrence $1,000,000, general aggregate $2,000,000. Higher limits may be required due to the nature of the event or the number of people in attendance. Coverage must be placed with a company of A.M. Best rating of A:VII or higher. A certificate of insurance must be provided showing specific information as to the date and event for which the certificate is being issued. The certificate must be accompanied by a separate letter of endorsement naming “The Trustees of the ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥, ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥, Hayward, the State of California, and their employees, officers, agents and assigns ” as additional insured for the duration and purpose of the event(s) being held.
- Employer Liability (if applicable) - $1,000,000
- Automobile Liability undefined - undefined Private Individuals should have Liability of no less than $100,000 per person, $300,000 per occurrence and $100,000 property damage. undefined Commercial Entities should have business automobile liability with combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence.
- Worker’s Compensation - Statutory Limit
Certificate should provide for thirty (30) days written notice to the University of any modification, change or cancellation of any insurance coverage.