Counselor Resources

President Cathy Sandeen offers good news about fall and the upcoming year in the video shown above. 

Welcome to our resource site for counselors and all who support students in their higher education goals. We encourage you to to receive all updates and invitations from ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥, and you can also contact specific offices as shown below. Students can find the resources they need on our Future Student site, or by emailing the Welcome Center at


Assisting new students

Students apply at , the online admission application system. Please check  to see when students need to accept their admission offer and turn in final transcripts. Students can contact the Enrollment Information Center (EIC) at the Hayward Campus for assistance to turn in required documents, ask questions, get help with financial aid, or to make an academic advising appointment.

If you are assisting an international student, or a student with any transcript units from a school outside the U.S., please refer them to the International Admission Office website, for information and assistance.


Meet our Outreach Counselors

Find the Outreach counselor serving the students at your institution. Our Outreach counselors visit and reach out to area high schools and community college transfer centers. Appointments can also be made by contacting the Welcome Center on the Hayward Campus or the Academic Service Center on the Concord Campus.


Presentation materialsGraduation 2021

These links to the CSU counselor application guides on Cal State Apply for AY 2024-25 show the steps in the online application, specific to high school or community college students. Students can find help on each page of the application, and more help from the .


Contact us for presentations, campus visits, tours, and any questions you may have!

Get in touch with ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ -  just click the link below. 



For more information

Table shows a list of email and phone contacts for counselors and prospective students
Contact Phone Email Website
Accessibility Services 510-885-3868 /accessibility/index.html
Admissions 510-885-3500


Campus Housing 510-885-7444 /housing/
Campus Tours and Application Assistance 
510-885-2556 /visit/index.html
Counselor Events 510-885-2556 /visit/admission-events.html
Early Academic Preparation 510-885-3123  /eap/ 
Estimated Cost of Attendance 510-885-2784 /financialaid/prospective-students1/cost-of-attendance.html
Financial Aid and Scholarships
510-885-2784 /financialaid/
ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ 510-885-2556 /futurestudents/
Outreach Materials n/a n/a
Pre-admission Counseling appointments
510-885-2556 /futurestudents/pre-adm-couns-staff.html
Student Equity and Success Programs n/a /student-equity-and-success/programs.html
Student Financial Services/Cashier, Tuition Fee Information 510-885-3767 n/a /student-financial-services/