Financial Resources for Credential Students
Last updated 8/24
is a searchable database of federal and state dollars that teacher candidates may be eligible to collect to make their journey toward a teaching credential affordable or cost-free.
offers financial planning steps for every aspiring educator and sample funding packages for those considering a California-based teacher residency program.PIONEER SCHOLARSHIPS
Student Financial Services
Financial Aid
If applying for Summer 2025, Submit a FAFSA form for the 24-25 and 25-26 year
Earn $4,000.00 per year with a $16,000.00 lifetime cap for undergraduate/credential students and $8,000.00 for master's degree. You must teach for 4 full years, within 8 years of teacher certification, in a low-income school in a subject designated as a high-need field including mathematics, science, foreign language, bilingual education and English language acquisition, special education, and reading specialist.
For more information, please view the following link~
Noyce Scholarship
The Noyce Teaching Scholarship Program provides funding to ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ East Bay to provide scholarships, stipends, and programmatic support to recruit and prepare STEM majors and professionals to become K-12 teachers. Scholarship and stipend recipients are required to complete two years of teaching in a high-need school district for each year of support. The program seeks to increase the number of K-12 teachers with strong STEM content knowledge who teach in high-need school districts. For more information, please visit:
CSUEB Noyce Teaching Scholarship Program --
For more information about applying to all credential programs offered at ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥, click here to learn about the CREDENTIAL PROGRAMS AT CAL STATE EAST BAY.
For more scholarship opportunities, visit PIONEER SCHOLARSHIPS