Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites workeffectively,toenableadditionalfunctionality, andto provide information to the owners of the site.

Cookies and personal data

Some cookies maycollect or enable the collection of what might beconsidered “personal data”(i.e.information relating to an identifiable individual): for example whereacookie collectsor enables the collectionof yourgeographical locationthrough your IP address. As further explained below, through use ofa Google Analytics cookieֱ can receive some information on geographical location: however this is limited to the level of nearest town/city, we view it only in aggregated formandyour IP address is not visible to usat any time.Other cookies don’t collect any information whichcan be related back to you as an identifiable individual.We do not use cookies or data from cookies to take any steps to identify individual.

Below we explain the different types of cookie which we use on the ֱ website. We also explainthe choices you can make about our use of cookies and how you can make those choices.

a. Necessary cookies

Thesecookiesenablethe ֱ websiteand servicesoperating on or through the website (like Live Chat,Unibuddyand Social Mediasharingintegrations)to operate in the intended way and provide essential functionality.Therefore theycannot be switched off using the cookie consent tool on the website.Youmaystillbe able touse browser controls tolimit orprevent cookies being stored if you wish, but this may mean that the website or parts of the website will not work properly for you.

b. Analyticscookies

These cookiescollectinformation about how users have used or interacted with the website, generatingstatistical informationand analysisabout use of our website. We use this tocontinuallydevelop and improvethe structure and contentof the website,aiming to ensurethe smoothest user journey.Examples include the use of Google Analytics and Hotjar to understand user interaction withwebsitecontent.Alldatacollected through these cookiesis anonymised.

c. Marketing cookies

These are cookieson our websitewhich areused(in combination with other cookies or tools)to show you information and advertising relevant to the content you interacted with on ourwebsite. For example,afteryourvisit toa coursewebpage you may see details of our Open Days advertisedto you on a range of websites or digital platforms such as social media platforms or YouTube.What you see will depend on whether you consent to use of marketing cookies on our website and which consents you give or preferences you set on other sites and platforms.

Some more information about our use ofdigital advertisingcan be foundin ourStudent Recruitment & Admissions privacy notice

d. Local storage objects – is a tool we use to provide intelligent prompts to links and useful informationon our course pages. uses local storage, a technology that is stored on your device and only ever accessed by the browser. It is not sent to the server. You can remove local storage objects by clearing your browser cache.

e. Your choices: controlling the use of cookies

When you visit the ֱ website you will see our cookie control tool (this will pop up as soon as you land on the websiteandcanalsobe reopened at any time during your visit). This will give you the option to allow all of the cookies described above or to refuse use of one orbothof the following types of cookie:analyticsand marketing. Ifyouchoose to select“off”forone of these typesof cookie,itwill not be used.If you choose “I’m happy with all cookies”, then all types of cookie will be used.

As explained above, you cannot use our cookie control tool on the ֱ website to deactivate necessary cookies. Youmaybe able to use controls within your chosen web browser to stop these cookies from being used, but this will affect the functionality of parts of the website i.e. it may not work properly for you, in the intended way.

You can use the following links to find out how to manage cookies on popular browsers:

To find information relating to other browsers, visit the browser developer's website.

To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites, visit.