

7.1. Expectations

The Assistant Professor in the early stages of his or her appointment is typically facing a full teaching load for the first time. It is necessary to combine teaching with the continuance of scholarly interest and contribution. Additional University responsibilities may include committee work and administrative assignments. An Assistant Professor should have completed the Doctorate, or the normal terminal degree, or, in exceptional cases, the equivalent thereof, to be eligible for promotion to Associate Professor. Effectiveness in teaching, professional contributions, university service, and community service should be the general criteria for promotion to Associate Professor rank.

7.2. Eligibility

7.2.1. An Assistant Professor must hold the Doctorate or the normal terminal degree, or, in exceptional cases, the equivalent thereof to be eligible for promotion. If this condition is met, an Assistant Professor is entitled to be considered for promotion to Associate Professor when he or she has served a minimum of either five (5) years as an Assistant Professor, or met any other criteria established as sufficient by the current CBA.

7.2.2. However, before receiving tenure, a faculty member shall not normally be promoted to, and cannot be promoted beyond, the rank of Associate Professor.

7.3. Criteria

The candidate's dossier shall contain strong evidence documenting performance under 7.3.1, 7.3.2, and 7.3.3, and may also contain evidence substantiating performance under 7.3.4. Highest priority shall be accorded to criterion 7.3.1 followed by 7.3.2. Lower priority shall be accorded to 7.3.3, and lowest priority to 7.3.4.

7.3.1. Instructional Achievement (see Section 4.2)

7.3.2. Professional Achievement (see Section 4.3)

7.3.3. University Service (see Section 4.4)

7.3.4. Community Service (see Section 4.5)

7.4. Procedures

Evaluation for promotion at this level shall take place according to procedures specified in sections 3.0, 10.0, 11.0, and 12.0 of this document.

7.5. Early Promotion to Associate Professor

7.5.1. Promotion to Associate Professor prior to attaining eligibility is exceptional and is reserved for those individuals who have demonstrated exceptional professional value to the University.

7.5.2. An Assistant Professor who has not completed the probationary period but has completed at least one year of full-time service to the University and wishes to be considered for early promotion must submit to the Department Chair a written letter titled "Request for Consideration for Early Promotion," which will be included in the candidate's WPAF. 

7.5.3. To be considered for promotion under these circumstances, a candidate's dossier must contain evidence of extraordinary achievement or recognition under either the instructional or professional criteria while also satisfying the other criteria appropriate to that promotional level.

7.5.4. The calendar and sequence of evaluation for early promotion to Associate Professor will be the same as those for normal promotion to Associate Professor.

7.5.5. The Department Committee and the Department Chair, as well as the College Committee and the Dean, must each complete a thorough review of the candidate’s WPAF and must state in their separate letters that the candidate has demonstrated exceptional professional value to the University.